Monday, November 28, 2022

It's The Most Stressful Time Of The Year...Naw


Sleigh Bells!





I swear I am not a Scrooge or Grinch...I am tired.

DH and I have decided to celebrate Christmas this year by putting up the tree (kitty fun will ensue), putting on the ritz by actually acknowledging the anniversary, and generally being full of Holiday Cheer.  Kinda stressed out already lol.

Looking forward to getting gifts for the kids and even better watching them open them.  I'm so excited that this is my awesome Lil Dude grandson's 3rd Christmas...I am making him a gift, plus buying him other things...I have to remind Dear Son to let Lil Dude play with his toys first.  My son is still a kid at heart, which, by the way, this blog post is rerouting to remembering the kid in all of us...enjoying being a kid at Christmas!

I love gift giving. It's quite exciting for me mainly because I love to get kinda personal about it.  No...not in an inappropriate way, I just have an instinct for the best, thoughtful gifts.

For example, I discovered such a gift two days ago for my son, an item that when I happened upon it, wild horses couldn't stop me from this purchase.  Not going to tell, it is a private joke between Boy, Sr. and myself.  I know, with all my heart, he will appreciate my stocking stuffer gift.

I, myself, am truly happy about all things related to writing...

Journals, pens of various colors, paper....BOOKS!!  A gift card to a book shop is an amazing gift to me. Those closest to me know that I love books. 

Oh my, thinking too much about books....'s alright. The Emily needs a nap.  I'll close this post soon.  

Have an amazingly wonderful evening.

And to my friends Melanie and Christie-Lee...I hope you each feel better.  Don't let the flu bug get you down!

1 comment:

  1. Giving gifts and personalizing them is the best!! You'd think after 30yrs F would know what to get me, but I still have to make him a list... But I don't ask him... 🤷 thanks for the shout out my friend.. Feeling icky is no fun!


It's The Most Stressful Time Of The Year...Naw

 Yuletide! Sleigh Bells! Cookies! Shopping! Cheers! Bills.... I swear I am not a Scrooge or Grinch...I am tired. DH and I have decided to ce...