Monday, November 28, 2022

It's The Most Stressful Time Of The Year...Naw


Sleigh Bells!





I swear I am not a Scrooge or Grinch...I am tired.

DH and I have decided to celebrate Christmas this year by putting up the tree (kitty fun will ensue), putting on the ritz by actually acknowledging the anniversary, and generally being full of Holiday Cheer.  Kinda stressed out already lol.

Looking forward to getting gifts for the kids and even better watching them open them.  I'm so excited that this is my awesome Lil Dude grandson's 3rd Christmas...I am making him a gift, plus buying him other things...I have to remind Dear Son to let Lil Dude play with his toys first.  My son is still a kid at heart, which, by the way, this blog post is rerouting to remembering the kid in all of us...enjoying being a kid at Christmas!

I love gift giving. It's quite exciting for me mainly because I love to get kinda personal about it.  No...not in an inappropriate way, I just have an instinct for the best, thoughtful gifts.

For example, I discovered such a gift two days ago for my son, an item that when I happened upon it, wild horses couldn't stop me from this purchase.  Not going to tell, it is a private joke between Boy, Sr. and myself.  I know, with all my heart, he will appreciate my stocking stuffer gift.

I, myself, am truly happy about all things related to writing...

Journals, pens of various colors, paper....BOOKS!!  A gift card to a book shop is an amazing gift to me. Those closest to me know that I love books. 

Oh my, thinking too much about books....'s alright. The Emily needs a nap.  I'll close this post soon.  

Have an amazingly wonderful evening.

And to my friends Melanie and Christie-Lee...I hope you each feel better.  Don't let the flu bug get you down!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I Refuse to Get Old...But I Seem to Have Given Up

 Lately I just don't seem like the Emily I used to be.

Well, I'm not, afterall.  Fifty-three years old (I don't look it, seriously, I do not), too many pounds again, physical ailments...for a long time I have given up.

Renewed interest, as well as mindfulness and positivity, rearing their beautiful heads once again have definitely and delightfully coaxed my big ostrich head out of the sand.

I'm going for it. I am ready to take back my life, not give up and get my act together.

You see, physical issues, when left to fester the positive side of you, eating away at mindset, will definitely take their toll...for me, it causes depression.  Not good. 

At my current age, I have remembered what I felt like as little as ten years ago. More overweight than now, I had a gym membership, I made it to the gym everyday.  Fitness goals.  I lost inches, however not pounds. My failure there was that I needed a difference in lifestyle choices, healthier eating, ditch most of those simple carbs and take abundance in plant-based and natural foods.

I know that now...I can be that gal that is healthy...I have already been that gal who is not.

While I do not intend to come off as being bossy about it, or a know-it-all, I have every intention of sharing my personal journey with those who listen (in this case, read) of handy dandy bits of information I am learning...relearning as well.

One health related goal I aspire to achieve is cessation of my awful smoking habit.  Today is day one.  

Wish me health!

Please feel free to leave a comment about your health journey, experiences, tips and tricks.

Encouragement is what we all need the most, as well as a positive mindset!

I got this! WE GOT THIS!!

Love and Light

Have a great day, evening, or whatever time of day this post reaches you.




Sunday, August 14, 2022

Comfort Amidst Fashion

 Welcome back to my musings!

I  find myself sitting at the backyard picnic table, comfy enough, despite being a might stiff on this pleasant Sunday afternoon.  This past Thursday I went through first round spinal injections due to sciatica and spinal stenosis.  Like I mentioned, a bit stiff, however no pain meds yet today.

Rummaging through the windmills of my mind, considering the aforementioned comfort, I have always thought of myself as a t-shirt and jeans kind of gal.  I do at times like to get gussied up and present myself as girly, but like I said...rather be comfortable.  

Today's choice in fashion are sneakers, rippy jeans, a pretty lavender blouse (it's wrinkly), lavender ball cap with a butterfly patch (hiding my bad hair day) and current attitude being fairly easy breezy as I call it.

In other words, comfortable.  

I need to trim my talons...clack clack on the keyboard. Perhaps a bit of polish on them later.

I have found as I age that I have become less vain in appearance...I mean makeup. Rarely face makeup do I apply, I will only throw on some eyeliner and mascara, however not always. Either I am confident in wearing absolutely no eye makeup...or is it a lack of worrying or even caring about that stuff at my current age of 53. Since I mostly consider myself as an adult woman...BOTH.

Well, my cats don't seem to mind. Not here to impress, so I suppose that allows me (I allow me) to feel more free spirited, ready to run an errand in a moment's notice.

And that suits this midnight girl just fine.

I feel as though I could/should write more at this time, perhaps later today I shall.  A part 2, if you will, but I believe I will take my leave for now.

Always always appreciative to the extreme of my lovely followers. Much Love and Light to you all.

Please leave comments if you like, drop ideas, let me know if you find any issues with commenting.  

Have a wonderful day.

Midnight Girl temporarily signing off!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Hobbies and Crafts

 For most of my life, I have either dabbled or have gone hardcore doing a myriad of crafting or hobbies.

Those two subjects are fairly blended, if you ask me.  One in the same, depending how much time, effort, or enjoyment one derives from one's preferred projects.

For example, My Mother excelled at the art of Crochet.  Our extended family members were blessed with an abundance of Afghans, lovingly created by My Mother's own hands.  They were beautiful.  When a baby shower was imminent she went out and bought several skeins of Jamie yarn in the prettiest, most delicate shades.  Mom got great satisfaction, enjoyment and relaxation from crafting these lovely items.  And, BTW My Mom was legally blind.  I am still in awe of her having the ability to Crochet.  I still have many of the wonderful Afghans she created for me.

My personal hobbies over the years have been macrame, wreath making, sewing, cross stitch, latch hook, and a few others.  One thing I cannot do, believe it or not...CROCHET.  No matter how many times, teaching from others and watching instructional doing crochet is definitely an impossibility.  I truly believe that I wasn't meant to learn.  Only Mom.  She passed away in 2001.

I would love to read your comments, what are your hobbies?  Please leave comments and tell me your stories or ideas.

Lots of love,  the town's streets are about to be rolled up for the night.  Blessings!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

DIY Stuff

 Happy Saturday Folks!

I recently had a conversation with DH about the fact that I not only carry knowledge, but am extremely willing to perform fix-it jobs and projects around the house.  This conversation was pretty much a reminder to him.  DH was filled with enthusiasm at my offer.  I then stated I need a re-up, as it were, in a few new tools that I might have in my quest for tightening all loose screws and tending to the 3 decade old cabinet doors falling apart.

Still waiting on the tools, however, DH elaborated that I was completely welcome to use his tools...

Ahh...the tools that HE can never find where last he left them...sigh.

Okay, so I haven't actually taken any tasks on yet and I slept in this morning.  Nothing got done.  I did do my laundry this week (we each wash our own laundry).  I slept til almost noon (needed it), I also cooked a nice yummy dinner of Chicken Tikka Marsala.  The dinner alone was worth about 85% of good merit points.  Running away with that.

I am able to perform quite a few physical tasks around here.  Haven't mowed the lawn in several years.  however we recently purchased a new, smaller and easier to use mower.  I will use it for the first time next weekend...might work on my glutes in the next few days...

Wish me Luck as I start the task of strengthening my buns of steel gearing toward next weekend's yardwork efforts of Love.

Thank you for reading, looking forward to blogging more middle aged musings.  

Friday, June 24, 2022

Welcome to my blog! Chapter One

 Let me tell you a bit about myself...

My name is Emily.  I live in the Midwest, in the USA.

Now don't worry. I do not get into political stuff.  Mainly the exploits of my cats and other middle aged lady musings are what I talk about.  Days gone by, memories of family stuff and my Mom's funny tales of "back in her day"...and, of course, my toddler grandboy.

I may also regale you with the 3 decades of being married...he will be known as DH...Dear Husband.

Currently my big boy Feline Cassanova, Rupert is sitting next to me and I am about to slide off the side of my bed.  I told you he was big.  These days approximately 14 pounds.  Rupert tends to sleep with me.  most mornings I wake up wondering why there is a boulder on top of me...then realize that my Rupie is the boulder...

My 25 year old son got married recently to the love of his life.  Tina is the mom of their wonderful toddler boy.  I love my kiddos!  More about their little family in a later blog.

This blog is all inclusive, not just for ol' ladies!  Young, old, men,'s like Lego but does not end at age 99!

Please comment, leave suggestions for topics or discussion points!  

I am on other forms of social media, but let's test out the waters and I will definitely write another post soon.

Currently midnight and a skosh tired.  But I will be back online with more.

Thank you for reading my introduction...I AM...

A Midnight Girl In A Sunset Town

It's The Most Stressful Time Of The Year...Naw

 Yuletide! Sleigh Bells! Cookies! Shopping! Cheers! Bills.... I swear I am not a Scrooge or Grinch...I am tired. DH and I have decided to ce...